Call for Expressions of Interest: Cycling Infrastructure in Bogota Region.
Convocation from December 21 to February 19, 2021
We are inviting all eligible consulting firms to submit their Expressions of Interest to develop the technical, legal, financial, social and environmental structuring of a bicycle lane network and a public bicycle system, in terms of physical infrastructure and their operating model, to connect the RegioTram de Occidente project with the municipalities of its area of influence, in Cundinamarca, Colombia.
As part of the LAIF Initiative on Cities and Climate Change, CAF has launched a series of tenders to develop pre-investment studies in Latin American cities, aimed at designing investment projects in urban regions with climate co-benefits. The purpose is to support local governments in the region in devising and implementing actions that promote low-carbon, climate change resilient development.
Through this call for Expressions of Interest, CAF seeks to define a short list of consulting firms, which should be properly qualified and have the necessary experience to develop the structuring of a bicycle infrastructure scheme that connects the RegioTram de Occidente project with the municipalities of its area of influence in Cundinamarca, Colombia.
- Funds: Third-party funds
- Submission language: Spanish
- Study language: Spanish
- Deadline for submission of expressions of interest, including documentation: February 19, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Bogota time.
- Deadline for questions and requests for clarifications: Interested parties may submit questions and seek clarification on the call for expressions of interest between December 22, 2020 and January 25, 2021 at 5.00 p.m.
Expressions of interest must be submitted in accordance with the conditions and through the means indicated in the document “SEI - Ciclo Infraestructura Bogotá Región.”
Applicants may include corporations with proven experience in the development matters related to the object of this request. Interested consulting firms may also partner with other firms, as a consortium or a temporary partnership.