Electronic Vehicle Collection System development framework (REV), applied to the national roads system managed by the delegation regime in Ecuador
Convocation from December 16 to February 15, 2022
The consulting services will be financed entirely with funds from CAF’s non-reimbursable Technical Cooperation for the “INTEGRAL FUNCTIONALITY IMPROVEMENT AND ENABLING OF DIGITAL MANAGEMENT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE QUITO-GUAYAQUIL INTEGRATION LOGISTICS CORRIDOR AND EXTENSIONS TO BORDERS” project, approved as stated in Act No. 003-03 of the Special Funds Committee of April 30, 2021 and P.E. Resolution No. 1517/2021 of June 4, 2021, within the CAF-PPI Stage III Program framework, approved by Board Resolution No. 2380/21 and P.E. Resolution No. 1485/21.
The general objective for this consultancy is to “Identify, agree on and develop a strategic framework to implement and operate an efficient, interoperable and integrated Electronic Vehicle Collection (REV) system, in collaboration with sectional governments, public and private operators in the sector and owners of the national roads system managed by the delegation regime in Ecuador. This is to be sustainable in the long term and includes a short-term implementation program.”
The deadline for proposal submissions is Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 11:00 am Quito time, Ecuador. The proposal may only be sent in electronic form to the email address PPIECCQG@caf.com, in accordance with the content and format instructions indicated in this Proposal Selection (PS) document. Proposals received after this date and time will not be accepted for appraisal.
Requests for clarification will be accepted up to Tuesday, January 4, 2022 11:00 am Quito time, Ecuador. They will be answered within 10 (ten) business days following the deadline for clarifications.
Spanish is the official language to be used for submitting the proposal. If submitted in another language, it must be accompanied with a Spanish translation, authenticated by an official translator. The proposal must be sent in electronic format to the email address PPIECCQG@caf.com, in accordance with the content and format instructions indicated in this Proposal Selection (PS) document. Proposals received after this date and time will not be accepted for appraisal.