Evaluation Week in Latin America and the Caribbean

Convocation from February 01 to March 16, 2017

The public sector, civil society, and academic community are invited to send proposals for the organization of activities to generate research and discussion spaces regarding the importance of monitoring and evaluation for the continuous improvement of public polices and programs in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean 

The objectives of the initiative are: 

  1. Generate a space for plurality where academics, public policy makers, and members of the civil society may share and discuss approaches, strategies, methodologies, experiences, and evaluation results to improve public programs in Latin America and the Caribbean. 
  2. Promote the use of evaluations for public policies and programs in the country. 

Those interested in participating must send their proposals through the Center for Learning on Evaluation and Results Latin America, which also describes the detail of the requirements as well as the mailing means and questions. 

Proposals will be received until March 16th.