Free online course: Energy Project Management
Convocation from August 27 to September 30, 2019
The energy project management course for Spanish-speaking countries, focusing on Latin America and the Caribbean, will teach participants to use a common language in fundamentals, processes, techniques and tools recommended by the Project Management Institute, PMI®.
In this training, participants will learn concepts, techniques and tools to improve the management of energy projects and the work of public officials or people working in the design and implementation of Energy Projects. This will include specific principles of project management, such as:
- asset opportunity to ensure that projects are estimated and implemented within the schedule,
- budget optimization,
- management quality to offer an asset that meets technical specifications and
- satisfaction of stakeholders.
- To establish a solid knowledge base on project management applied to energy projects
- To strengthen CAF’s presence as a training source in areas of common interest under its mission and the interests of its clients and partners
Designed for: leaders, planners, comptrollers, risk specialists and project executors.
Start date:September 19, 2019
Duration: 4 weeks
Cost: free of charge
More information and sign-up at: