Methodological approach to urban tree planting and green areas investment projects

Convocation from August 09 to August 22, 2019

The overall objective of the consultancy is to develop alternative methodological approaches for CAF operations in investment and value enhancement on urban tree planting and green areas projects in cities in Latin America and the Caribbean

Professionals from the following areas will be considered for this consultancy: urban planning, landscape architecture, forestry engineering, environmental engineering and agronomic engineering, economics, statistics, with experience in the design and management of urban forests and public green areas.

The methodological approaches should be applicable to cities in Latin America and the Caribbean and be aligned with the component on “Recovery of urban forests and the establishment, improvement and rehabilitation of green areas of the forestry program.” The analysis and deliverables should also be consistent with the strategic axes of the Cities with a Future program: “Enhancing urban management; Developing housing markets and improving habitat; and Accessibility Infrastructure.”


Consultancy deliverables

The consultancy should produce a series of deliverables, detailed as follows:

  • Deliverable 1: CAF client methodological guide: demand systematization based on secondary information and development of alternative methodological approaches for urban tree planting and public green areas operations at CAF.

  • Deliverable 2: methodological guide for CAF executives: supply systematization and compatibility of alternative methodological approaches for urban tree planting and public green areas operations.

  • Deliverable 3: presenting deliverables 1 and 2 in two videoconferences / workshops; the former aimed at CAF clients in sub-national governments of client countries; and the second focusing on CAF officials in the business area.
  • Deliverable 4: The material with the contents of the consultancy must be published online.



Questions on the call and selection process for consultancy proposals must be sent through the form attached to this call or as described in the terms of reference document.


Submittal of proposals

Proposals should be sent only by email to the address indicated in the terms of reference document. The deadline for submittal is Thursday, August 22, 2019.



Términos de referencia

Términos de referencia

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