Presentation for the technical and economic proposal for a study

Convocation from January 19 to February 16, 2015

FONAFE (Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento de las Actividades Empresariales del Estado de Perú)(National Fund to Finance Entrepreneurial Activities of the Peruvian State) and CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, issue an invitation to present a technical economic proposal to carry out the study   "Rehabilitation of the State Hydroelectric Plants Systems of Aricota and Charcani in Peru 

The consultant will carry out a quantitative analysis to establish the rehabilitation needs of the hydroelectric plants, to extend the useful life of the plants, improve (increase, if possible) the efficiency and power, reliability, and safety of the equipment and structures, modernize the control system to improve the quality of the supply of electricity, and comply with environmental requirements in Peru. 

This analysis will take into consideration the impacts foreseen from climate change in the sphere of rehabilitation, if relevant, so as to decide regarding the acceleration or postponement of the rehabilitation plans.  

The proposals must be sent as follows: 

  • Proposals must be sent in PDF format at the latest on Monday, February 16th, 2015, before &:00 P.M. Caracas time to the electronic mail indicated in the invitation document.
  • Three (3) printed copies must be sent, each one with a CD copy in Spanish, addressed to CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, to:

Avenida Luis Roche, Altamira,
Torre CAF, 11th Floor, Caracas, Venezuela.

  • The electronic mail delivery must include a scanned copy of the voucher proving the physical delivery of the proposal.  

Questions regarding the invitation will be received until Friday, January 30th, 2015, before 6:00 P.M. Caracas time through the electronic mail specified in the invitation's reference document.