Research projects: Demographic and technology trends, labor markets and health care and pension systems in Latin America
Convocation from February 22 to March 22, 2019
CAF is inviting to submit research projects on demographic and technology trends, labor markets and health care and pension systems in Latin America.
A maximum of three proposals will be selected, which will receive funding for US$15,000 to carry out the project. The specific topics of interest in this call for proposals include:
- Effects of demographic changes on labor supply and demand.
- Effects of technological changes on the labor market: job demand, wage distribution, forms of labor organization.
- Demographic change, innovation and productivity.
- Reforms of health care and pension systems and their effects on the labor market.
- Design of public policies for elderly care services and their impact on labor supply and demand, especially for women.
- Effects of health care system reforms on coverage levels and efficiency of such systems.
- Reforms of pension systems and their effects on poverty and inequality.
- Reforms of pension systems and their effects on occupational decisions and saving.
- Optimal design of provision of social security (pensions and health care) in informal labor markets and volatile economies.
We will assess especially projects presenting evidence for Latin America.
See attached document for more information on the rules of the call for proposals.
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