Designs of sewage in Cascajal Island and drinking water systems in rural areas; Buenaventura district, Colombia.
Convocation from January 19 to March 23, 2023
As a request of the Ministry of Housing, City and Territory of the Republic of Colombia, through the Vice Ministry of Water and Basic Sanitation, CAF will finance the " Consultancy services to prepare studies and detailed designs for the stage 2 of urban sewage in Cascajal Island, and studies and detailed design of four drinking water systems in the rural area of Buenaventura district".
Therefore, it invites interested consulting firms to present their proposal for carrying out the services.
RFP’s objective is to identify the consultancy company which will perform the studies and detailed designs.
Consultancy description:
Consultancy services consist in preparing the detailed designs for the construction of stage 2 of the sewage project for the insular area – Cascajal Island – and for the construction of four drinking water systems in the rural area of the Buenaventura District, Republic of Colombia. Those designs must have a sufficient level of detail to tender, including environmental and social feasibility studies as well. The services will include all the activities needed, the development of the implementation schedule according to plan, and the physical and financial resources necessary to carry out those activities.
- Resources: CAF will make financial resources available for contracting the consultancy through the Water Sector Pre-Investment Program (CAF-PPSA).
- Proposal language: Spanish.
- Studies language: Spanish.
- Limit date and time to ask questions: February 14, 2023, 11:59 pm, Montevideo, Uruguay time.
- Limit date and time to send proposals: March 23, 2023, 11:59 pm, Montevideo, Uruguay time.
- E-mail to send questions and proposals:
Legal entities that demonstrate experience in developing studies related to the purpose of this RFP can respond to this request.
Interested consulting firms may join other firms in the form of a consortium or temporal association.
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Link to external file
CAF PPSA IV CO BV SDP Comunicación Prórroga
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CAF PPSA IV CO BV SDP - Respuesta Consultas
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