Technical assistance regarding management, follow-up, and evaluation of core projects in the electric sector

Convocation from July 20 to July 20, 2016

CAF, Development Bank of Latin America and the  Corporación Eléctrica Nacional de Venezuela (CORPOELEC) (National Electricity Corporation) invite interested parties to participate in the development of the study "Asesoría Técnica en Materia de Gestión, Seguimiento y Evaluación de Proyectos Medulares del Sector Eléctrico" (Technical Advice on Matters Regarding Project Management, Follow-Up, and Evaluation of Core Projects in the Electric Sector)

The general objective of the study is to advice CORPOELEC on matters regarding management, evaluation, and follow-up of projects through the definition of a methodology based on current worldwide best practices, strengthening the capacities of human talent, and identification of the technological tools to be used, in order to optimize the processes and resources involved in the development of projects in the organization.  

Expressions of interest must be sent by electronic mail to until Wednesday, July 20th, at 18:00 hours, Caracas, Venezuelan time. 

In case of any doubt, contact