Request for information: Consultancy services for tender agent and external supervisor of the detailed design of wastewater treatment plant of Portoviejo
Convocation from June 14 to June 23, 2021
In the framework of the agreement for non-refundable technical cooperation with resources from CAF – Latin-American Development Bank and AFD – French Development Agency, the GADM of Portoviejo invites consultancy companies or consortiums of them, nationals or foreign, legally capable for contract, with interest to participate in this call to express interest of providing services for tender agent and external supervisor of the detail design of waste water treatment plant of Portoviejo.
Call details and conditions to participate can be found at GADM of Portoviejo web page
Expressions of interest must be delivered written at the following address (personally, by postal mail, or e-mail) before Wednesday June 23rd 2021, 4:00 pm Quito time (GMT-5):
Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de Portoviejo Edificio L&L, Av. Metropolitana Eloy Alfaro km 2 1/2 Via Portoviejo-Manta. 1er Piso - Oficina de la Dirección de Contratación Pública del GAD Municipal del cantón Portoviejo, ciudad de Portoviejo, provincia de Manabí, Ecuador.
Tel: +59353 700 250 EXT: 6000
Attention: 08h00 am to 05h00 pm, Quito time (GMT-5).