Se desempeña como Especialista Sénior de la Dirección de Análisis Técnico y Sectorial de la Vicepresidencia de Sector Privado en CAF – banco de desarrollo de América Latina. Con anterioridad a esta posición, trabajó en el Banco de la República (Banco Central de Colombia), en donde fue Directora de Educación Económica y Financiera y Directora de Comunicación Institucional, entre otros cargos. Es Economista y Magíster en Economía de la Universidad de los Andes en Bogotá, Colombia y Master en Administración Pública de la Escuela Kennedy de Gobierno de la Universidad de Harvard. Ha trabajado en diversos proyectos de inclusión y educación financiera en América Latina como la medición de las capacidades financieras de la población de varios países de la región, así como asesorías a gobiernos nacionales para el diseño e implementación de estrategias nacionales de inclusión y educación financiera. Así mismo, ha liderado proyectos de innovación, productividad y educación para el trabajo en varios países de América Latina. Ha sido autora de varias publicaciones sobre la materia.

Patricio Scaff serves as the External Relations Coordinator at CAF, where he leads efforts to drive a comprehensive agenda for fostering development partnerships, supporting resource mobilization, and promoting knowledge-sharing initiatives, such as through CAF Conferences.
Before joining CAF, he worked as a Democratic Governance Specialist for Central America and the Caribbean at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, managing regional integration projects, particularly in health, security, and justice sectors. He also worked for the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques and the French National Committee of UN Women, focusing on resource mobilization and building strategic partnerships, especially with the private sector.
He began his studies at the School of Government and Public Management at the University of Chile and holds a BA and a master's degree in Political Science from Sciences Po Paris, with a specialization in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Economista de la Universidad de los Andes, con una larga trayectoria en materia de política comercial, integración económica y negociación de acuerdos comerciales internacionales, tanto en el sector público como privado. Experiencia en el diseño de políticas con énfasis en comercio exterior y competitividad.
Trabajó como Gerente de Política Agrícola, Ambiental y de Tierras en el Proyecto MIDAS en Bogotá. A nivel internacional, se desempeñó como Consultor Principal en el International Trade Centre y la Secretaría de Estado de Asuntos Económicos de Suiza (SECO) en Lima, Perú.

Leads CAF’s institutional relationship and engagement with governments and private sector clients in the Caribbean. She has close to 25 years’ experience in multilateral negotiations, development management and international finance, having formerly served as Pro Vice-Chancellor for Global Affairs at The University of the West Indies, Assistant Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for Trinidad and Tobago, Aruba, Curaçao and St Maarten; Chief Technical Advisor, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); Consultant, The World Bank, Washington DC and Programme Specialist, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris.

A lawyer with a degree from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, he has a master's degree in Latin American Literature from the University of Barcelona and currently holds the position of Director of Sustainable Tourism at CAF. He has been President of the Colombian Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies (ANATO), of the World Federation of Travel Agency Associations; Deputy Minister of Tourism, member of the Executive Committee of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), Ambassador to China and legal and tourism consultant.

Sergio Díaz-Granados has extensive experience in public and private service, both nationally and internationally, with special emphasis on regional development and integration issues. Before assuming the presidency of CAF, he served as Executive Director for Colombia at the Inter-American Development Bank. He previously held the positions of Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia, Vice Minister of Business Development and President of the Boards of Directors of Bancóldex and ProColombia. He also has been a congressman and chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee of the Colombia’s House of Representatives.