Wastewater treatment plants, pumping stations and networks design in Auchachapán y Sonsonate

Wastewater treatment plants, pumping stations and networks design in Auchachapán y Sonsonate

September 16 to November 11, 2024

Following a request from the government of the Republic of El Salvador, CAF is financing the “Feasibility studies for the design and construction of wastewater treatment plants, pumping stations, as well as the expansion and improvement of the existing sanitary sewer system in the districts of Ahuachapán and Sonsonate".  

 Therefore, CAF invites interested consultancy companies to present their proposals for providing the aforementioned services.  

Companies, legally constituted, that demonstrate experience in developing studies related to the purpose of this RFP can respond following the steps mentioned on “How to participate”. 

The objective of the consultancy service is to develop the feasibility studies based on the analysis of technical, economic, environmental and social factors to allow the evaluation of project viability; for the subsequent design and construction of wastewater treatment plants, pumping stations and the expansion and improvement of existing sewerage as a solution to the current reality of sanitation in the districts of Ahuachapán and Sonsonate.  The services will include all the activities needed, the development of the implementation schedule according to plan, and the physical and financial resources necessary to carry out those activities.  

  • Source of the funds: CAF has financial resources available through the Water Sector Pre-Investment Program (CAF-PPSA). 
  • Reference budget: USD 800,000 
  • Proposal language: Spanish. 
  • Studies language: Spanish.
  • Contract execution period: 12 months after contract has been signed.  
  • E-mail to send proposals: elsalvador_ppsa@caf.com 


Key dates

  • Deadline to ask questions: 9/30/2024, 11:59 pm Uruguay time. 
  • Deadline to send proposals: 11/11/2024, 11:59 pm Uruguay time. 


How to participate: 

Vendors, who are interested to participate, should send to the email elsalvador_ppsa@caf.com the following documents:  

  • Proposals covering the information asked by the Request for Proposal.

Send all the required documents in PDF version by email.  

 Interested consulting firms may join other firms in the form of a consortium or temporal association.