Buenos Aires promotes road safety plan for motorcyclists
It is the first Latin American city to use a participative methodology seeking to reduce accidents and collaborate in the management of traffic.
This year, the government of the city of Buenos Aires presented the plan Road Safety for Motorcyclists, with the participation of different social actors and the support of CAF, Development Bank of Latin America.
The development of the plan was supported by the "Methodology to Develop Road Safety Plans for Motorcycles", which suggests to the public administration the requirements to establish minimal agreements and find effective solutions in order to revert the increasing trend in mortality and injury rates among motorcyclists.
In the region, Buenos Aires is the first Latin American city to use this methodology, proposed by CAF. The implementation includes educating the inhabitants and creating awareness regarding the importance of respecting traffic rules and promoting the sense of responsibility.
This year, during the first stage of the implementation, the strategy has focused on training motorcyclists, rules, control, infrastructure, data, and education, according to the stipulations of the Sub-Secretariat of Transportation of the government of the city of Buenos Aires.
In addition, measures have been implemented to improve the road safety of motorcyclists, which are grouped in three central working concepts: infrastructure, control, awareness and training. Starting on the second semester, the existing controls tripled.
Within this plan are the following campaigns and programs: "use the helmet", "make yourself visible", "safe stopping area for motorcycles", and "exclusive spaces for motorcycle parking".