Entrepreneurship and innovation strategy for Ecuador
Framed within CAF's Program to Promote Dynamic Entrepreneurship, a project has been carried out to coordinate and strengthen Ecuador's National Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and to achieve more effectiveness in the generation of entrepreneurships and innovation
The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Strategy "Ecuador, un pais emprendedor e innovador en 2020" (Ecuador, an entrepreneurial and innovative country in 2020) was developed with the participation of more than 250 actors of close to 90 entities from different regions of Ecuador. The objective is to make Ecuador one of the most attractive countries to carry out entrepreneurial activities in the region.
The areas in which the strategy is focused are financing, innovation, market, culture and human talent, and policies and regulatory frameworks. These subjects were analyzed in the framework of a national agenda developed with the participation and commitment of more than 100 public and private actors, academics, and NGO's.
The meetings in which the main aspects of the strategy are defined, are held in the framework of the lines of action of the Alianza para el Emprendimiento y la Innovación (AEI) (Alliance for Entrepreneurship and Innovation). The Alliance conducts coordinating workshops and public-private dialogues with the academic sector, in order to generate the joint and coordinated work agreements to improve the conditions that promote the development of dynamic entrepreneurships in the country.
The AEI was created to promote the development of the country's entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem and to coordinate its development strategy with relevant actors from the public, private, and academic sectors. To date, CAF. Development Bank of Latin America, belongs to the 40 formal alliances that provide technical and financial resources.