Finalists of the VI IE Business School Award for Ibero-American Journalism
The names of the 20 finalists of the contest will be revealed. This year more than 140 works were presented in more than 45 communications media in the region
The award consists of USD 11,000 in prizes and winners will be selected from the list of finalists.
The jury is made up of journalists from international media such
as CNN or Wall Street Journal, in addition to members
of the IE Business School, CAF, Development Bank of Latin
America, and Softland, as well as winners
from previous editions.
The award ceremony will take place on October 20th at the
Casa de America (Madrid), after previous editions were
held in Mexico (2011), Colombia (2012), and Madrid (2013, 2014, and
The Premio de Periodismo Económico
Iberoamericano (Ibero-American Economic Journalism Award)
has become a model for its sector in the region, after six
uninterrupted editions in which more than 1,000 articles have
List of finalists of the IE BUSINESS SCHOOL VI
Ibero-American Economic Journalism Award:
Daily Press
- "Colombia también le apuesta a energías limpias" (Colombia also bets on clean energies). El Mundo (Medellín, Colombia). Mónica Andrea Saavedra Crespo.
- "Dinero para usar"(Money to use), El Universal (Mexico) Ariadna Cruz
- "Etnia Kuna lucha por su mejoría con ayuda de FAO en Isla Tigre" (Kuna ethnic group fights for improvements with the help of FAO in Isla Tigre), Listín Diario (Dominican Republic) Cándida Acosta
- "Lo imposible no es para mí" (Impossible is not for me), Excélsior (Mexico). Paul Lara
- "La meta de una economía Circular" (The goal of a circular economy), La Nación (Argentina) Silvia Stang
- "Los datafonos aterrizan en las tiendas de barrio" (Data-phones land in neighborhood stores), El Tiempo (Colombia) Carlos Arturo Garcia
- "Sin innovación no hay desarrollo" (Without innovation there is no development), La Prensa (Nicaragua) Yohany López.
- "Vender servicios al mundo: el talento argentino cotiza al Alza" (Selling services to the world: Argentinean talent is trading high). Clarín. (Argentina) Damián Kantor
- "Idosos faturam com Uber e Airbnb" Estadao (Brazil) Laura Maia de Castro
- "Gobierno busca que taxis tengan sistema de pago como el de Uber" (Government wants taxis to have payment systems such as Uber's). El Observador (Uruguay) Mayte de León
Non-daily Press
- "Como ser innovador sem inventar nenhum producto incrível" Exame (Brazil) Camila Pati
- "Biotecnología impulsa nuevos negocios" (Biotechnology promotes new businesses), El Financiero (Costa Rica) Carlos Cordero Perez
- "Innovación transforma los centros de servicios" (Innovation transforms services centers), El Financiero (Costa Rica). Evelyn Fernandez
- "Transformando la totora" (Transforming cattail), Vistazo (Ecuador) Darwin Borja.
- "Despojos óseos, insumo de las mineras" (Bone offal, mining inputs), Líderes (Ecuador) Xabier Basantes
- "Drone acuático monitorea efluentes" (Water drone monitors effluents), (Revista Foco (Paraguay) Adelaida Alcaráz
- "A custo zero" Exame (Brazil) Leo Branco
- "Construyendo innovación social" (Building social innovation), Revista Foco (Paraguay) Adelaida Alcaráz
- "La Dama de la ampliación" (The Lady of expansion), LA Prensa (Panama). Team.
- "La banca digital se abre paso" (Digital banking pushes through) Forbes R.D. (Dominican Republic). Arturo López.
The award is sponsored by CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, and Softland, as well as supported by Iberia, Cinco Días, CNN en español and Casa de América.