Twelve measures to improve energy efficiency in Argentina
Argentina can save up to USD 13 million TOE/year if it invests USD 22 billion in the following energy efficiency measures
Making a more efficient use of energy is the greatest contribution that countries can do to reduce greenhouse gasses, as stated by the International Energy Agency, which estimates that 49% of the contributions to mitigate climate change will have to come from the implementation of energy efficiency programs.
The greatest challenge faced by the promoters of energy efficiency is the disaggregation of the actors. We all consume energy, therefore, each one of us makes decisions regarding consumption and energy investment. From the type of bulb or refrigerator that we have at home, to the type of engine bought for the fleet of company cars. Thus, increasing energy efficiency implies a massive substitution of equipment.
To contribute to maximize the effort of investments that promote energy efficiency in Argentina, CAF conducted a study to identify the sub-sectors and strategic measures that must be advanced in the country, given its economic reality. The study focused on private initiatives that may flourish in the commercial and industrial subs-sectors.
According to their feasibility, priority was given to twelve strategic measures to improve energy efficiency in Argentina:
- Replacement of halogen bulbs by LED lamps.
- Substitution of incandescent bulbs by low consumption CFL bulbs.
- Replacement of ventilators in refrigeration chambers or use more efficient motors in commercial cold systems.
- Establishment of the ISO 500001 norm, implying the implementation of energy management systems by industries, related to energy-intensive processes and the heating of units and buildings.
- Installation of devices to control the rotating speed of industrial motors.
- Insulation of industrial pipes to preserve temperature.
- Substitution of uninterruptible power supply systems (UPS) by new generation equipment.
- Replacement of gasoil boilers by air or water pumps for acclimatization (heating or refrigeration).
- Installation of efficient compressors to cool milk in dairy products farms.
- Changing the current air conditioning equipment by high efficiency ones.
- Installation of efficient ovens for steel casting in tool making industries.
- Changing industrial boilers.
For each measure, total investment required and potential energy savings with the implementation of the measure were quantified. Argentina would require up to USD 22 billion, which would generate savings exceeding USD 13 million TOE/year (TOE: ton of oil equivalent).