CAF Boosts Local Capital Markets With a CRC 32.5 billion Issuance in Costa Rica
February 27, 2025
A CAF initiative brings high-quality evidence to Latin American civil servants in an effort to include their input in public policy design.
October 30, 2018
CAF–development bank of Latin America–is offering civil servants in Latin America more than 30 global benchmark public policy briefs, in order for them to have access to rigorous evidence in Spanish and use it as input in public policy design in their institutions.
These briefs were compiled by the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) and Campbell Collaboration, and cover various topics. In the field of education, for example, a brief posits that preschool language skills are associated with better reading comprehension in school, while another paper argues that higher teaching qualifications are associated with higher quality preschool care and education. Water is also one of the common issues in these briefs; for example, a study conducted in Kenya explores the impact of the use of chlorine dispensers to purify water.
Other important issues are the reduction of infant mortality, hygiene, air pollution, medical insurance for vulnerable populations, climate change, conditional transfers and how to institutionalize impact assessment.
For more information about this and other initiatives, please visit CAF Scioteca, which contains a repository with all of the organization’s documents where you will find information on various topics of interest, as well as the documents of rigorous evidence from our partners.
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025
February 21, 2025